Grading & Trials

Prior to the season start, the Club will run a grading period. Dates will be announced. Whilst attendance is not compulsory, it does assist with placing a player in a team commensurate with their current skill ability.
The majority of younger players will be placed in our Superstars program to ensure they receive our highest level of coaching. Players are not usually placed into a younger team with no experience.
Prior to competition start, at coach discretion and after consultation there may be player movement between teams.
Teams U8-U11 are graded Joeys, Wallabies & Kangaroos
Teams U12 are graded Joeys, Wallabies & Kangaroos
Teams U13-U20 are graded A, B, C, D (E, F, G are level with grades C & D and are based on the amount of teams, new team entries, composite teams)
Please refer to the Grading Policy in full.

Grading Policy

Teams, Trials, Grading (Juniors)


Age Groups: 

Born on or after

Year of Birth

Age Group

Term after Birthday

2017, 2018

Shooting Stars

1st January

2016, 2015, 2014

6 - 8 Superstars

1st January

2013, 2012, 2011, 

9 - 12 Superstars

1st January

2014, 2013

U8 & U9

1st January



1st January



1st January



1st January



1st January



1st January



1st January



1st January

2005, 2004


1st January


Age 15+


Senior Women/Reserves


The Club, in accordance with our football philosophy and player development requires all players to play in their age appropriate group. Please refer to Playing Up Age Group Policy.


Casey Comets Football Club) is a family oriented sports club. We believe in promoting participation in our game, equal opportunity for all players, development of football and team skills, and above all, enjoyment of the game.

The Club believes that placing players in a grade appropriate to their skill level plays a significant role in achieving these objectives. The grading policy aims to promote these objectives, and is not about winning.

Grading gives players the opportunity to:

  • ·       be in (and play against) teams with other players of similar attitude and ability,
  • ·       have an equal opportunity to participate, and
  • ·       have an equal opportunity to contribute to the team’s performance.

·        These conditions provide the best circumstances for development of football and team skills and enjoyment through participation and achievement.

The Club recognises that individual players have different motivations for playing football ranging from highly competitive to social recreation. Through appropriate grading and player placement the Club aims to cater for all players and believes that everyone can benefit from the grading process.

Superstars U6, U7, U8, U9:

These age groups will not be graded. They will train weekly (will be confirmed early in 2020) and will play intra competition and gala days on a weekend morning. (Specific Day will be locked in early 2020) Players that were in a Superstars program in 2019 can move to a 2020 competition team, however if a player is happy to remain in Superstars that is OK. If a group of players are comfortable to form a team during the 2020 season, there is the opportunity to enter teams part way through the season. This is dependent on coach availability or a parent that is willing to coach the team for the remainder of the season.

U7s: Players will have completed at least one year of Superstars before being placed in a competitive team. The teams are not graded. Players train during the week and will play competitively on a Saturday.

U8 & U9 MiniRoos:

New players joining the Club will not be graded. They will train durng the week and play intra competition and gala days on Saturday mornings in the Superstar groups. Please see detailed information on our Superstars groups HERE

Players that are returning for their 2nd season will be assessed during pre-season and placed in appropriate graded teams. The teams are graded Joeys, Wallabies and Kangaroos. The Club endeavours to accommodate friendship groups but will often be placed in Joey teams, however the higher graded teams (Kangaroos) will be assessed on ability only. 

U10 & U11s:

These teams are graded Joeys, Wallabies & Kangaroos and will play in FV South Leagues.

Whilst the Club encourages all players to take part in the pre-season grading/player placement process, it is not compulsory. Players will have the opportunity to play with friends in non-graded teams in their own age group, whenever this is possible in conjunction with the grading process.

New players will generally be placed in a Joey team, however during pre-season training a player may be identified to play in a higher-grade team. (Coach & Development determined).

U10 & U11 Wallaby & Kangaroo teams will be selected on a player’s current skills levels and do not accommodate friendship or family groups. It is recommended that players attend pre season grading sessions to ensure a position in a graded team. Players may be selected to move to a graded team during pre season at coach and youth development coach discretion.


It is important to note that where a player is graded in any one year, it is not a reflection on long term ability but rather where their skill level is for that season.


Implementation: The grading process will be conducted by the Clubs Technical Director, Youth Development Coach, external selected coaches and current club coaches. The Club will also announce separate dates for new players for ungraded teams. 


Junior Boys U12-U16:

Players are graded for teams that will play in FV South Leagues at every level except A grades (see trials information). The level of competition is determined by FV based on the final league position of the previous season. Grading is open to all players wishing to play for the Club that season whether new to the Club or a returning 2019 player.

 All returning players must advise of their intent to return by completing the expression of interest form, found HERE. All returning players will still need to attend trials. You may be selected for a higher grade team. 

Team places will be made available dependent on player numbers returning. Players will be placed according to their current skill levels but a coach will also take into consideration player commitment, attitude and behaviour.

Players are asked to confirm their intent by completing preliminary registration.

Players who are new to the sport will be considered dependent on available positions, the Club enters teams across different skill levels and we endeavour to find a suitable place for each player.



The Club will enter female teams subject to demand. The Club generally has teams across all age groups. Players will be graded pre-season and the team will be entered in the most appropriate level of competition. If there is more than 1 team per age group, then players will be graded according to their current skill level. If there are insufficient numbers at the younger age groups, female players can play in mixed teams.

Player selection will be determined by coaching staff, the Technical Director and other coaches independent of that age group.

Please note that Junior girls age groups cross 2 years i.e U13/14, U15/16



Junior Boys U12-U16:

Each year the Club will enter A grade teams in FV South Competition. The Club will hold trials shortly after season completion. The trials process is open to all players from other clubs and competition. A few places in A grade teams will be held open to the pre-season grading period.

Players must be committed to training and selection will also consider player attitude, behaviour, emotional maturity as well as physical capability.  


The trials will be managed by the Head of Youth Development and a panel of Senior and Junior coaches independent of that age group.


Training will commence as soon as grounds are available.




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